Sunday, April 5, 2009

Story Teller

My grandpa was a great story teller; maybe that is where I get my love for stories from. He could tell a story and know right where to put the emphasis and when to deliver the comedy.

Although we bumped heads ALOT, my grandpa and I had a very close relationship. We both challenged one another and he encouraged me like no other.

I can see part of his personality in myself at times both good and bad. I absolutely love pulling off good tricks on people. Whether using a dry sense of humor to persuade someone to believe something ridiculous, or just jumping out and scaring someone half to death, my grandfather and I were a match when it came to practical jokes.

I miss talking to him about trivial things mostly. I loved playing the devils advocate and disagreeing with him even if it was on a subject that I did agree with him on. I loved asking him the hard questions and he did the same for me.

I miss hearing him call me "Buzzy" and his "lil Kristi Rae". He even made up a song that I don't remember anything but the first part that said, "I love to watch my lil Kristi Rae."

I learned so many things from him from how to navigate through the woods to how to change a flat tire (which came in handy this last summer).

In 2004 when he died, it was the hardest thing to endure. We were so close and losing him still hurts my heart at times. There are times I wish I could hear him say, "I love you, Buzzy," one last time.

The storyteller's story may be finished here on earth, but because of his faith and trust in Jesus, I know I will ultimately see him again someday and God willing hear him say, "I love you, Buzzy, welcome home."

1 comment:

  1. haha! i cracked up at you david and goliath comment! i love your blog page! i need to borrow your skillzzz.
