Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ventilation is Necessary for Clean Air Flow

Ok...I am not sure if my title really makes that much sense for what I am about to type, but that is what trickled off of my fingers. Talk about a bad day. The morning details made me cry. Yes, Bill Richardson, Kristi Sparks does shed a tear...just because I didn't cry with you when we watched Marley and Me doesn't mean that I am a cold hearted ruthless woman like you and Brad think I am. I have feelings I really do. I cried this morning because a friend asked me to do something that I don't want to do...bottom line. For the sake of not wanting my current drama strung out over the internet I am not going to indulge or let anyone in on that facet, so please don't ask. All you need to know is that it upset me enough that I cried. Next, I had a meeting at work. Boss said it would only be from 10:00 to 11:00 which I would make it to class on time at 11:30. WRONG..meeting was not even half over by 11:20 in which I told my boss i gotta I sped across town to NOT make it to my class in time which there was a DO NOT ENTER sign placed on the handle. Should I stay or should i go......I left...came here to the library to type and to vent and to look for housing...oh and I have a test later so I also need to study. Instead, I sit here on my blog typing trying to relieve some pressure that is building up in my mind and is being released through my fingers. I find such relaxation and a great sense of calm typing my thoughts and feelings that I DO have. WHEW! uggghhh...just found chocolate on my

Part 2: I don't make right decisions sometimes I follow what I want to do instead of what God wants for sometimes I say bad words like when I about dropped my laptop on the wet pavement about 30 minutes ago (sorry Cheryl I was on the phone with you and you witnessed it) sometimes I judge others based on their sometimes I know to be nice to someone and instead I avoid sometimes I have dirty sometimes I want things my way and I don't care what happens to sometimes I use sarcasm as an excuse to be sometimes i know i am being a complete sometimes i want to kick over the salvation army tripod...

so all my lovely judges out there i hope that this helps with some ammunition and some things to talk about and discuss...

if it wasn't raining i would be walking....done

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Story Teller

My grandpa was a great story teller; maybe that is where I get my love for stories from. He could tell a story and know right where to put the emphasis and when to deliver the comedy.

Although we bumped heads ALOT, my grandpa and I had a very close relationship. We both challenged one another and he encouraged me like no other.

I can see part of his personality in myself at times both good and bad. I absolutely love pulling off good tricks on people. Whether using a dry sense of humor to persuade someone to believe something ridiculous, or just jumping out and scaring someone half to death, my grandfather and I were a match when it came to practical jokes.

I miss talking to him about trivial things mostly. I loved playing the devils advocate and disagreeing with him even if it was on a subject that I did agree with him on. I loved asking him the hard questions and he did the same for me.

I miss hearing him call me "Buzzy" and his "lil Kristi Rae". He even made up a song that I don't remember anything but the first part that said, "I love to watch my lil Kristi Rae."

I learned so many things from him from how to navigate through the woods to how to change a flat tire (which came in handy this last summer).

In 2004 when he died, it was the hardest thing to endure. We were so close and losing him still hurts my heart at times. There are times I wish I could hear him say, "I love you, Buzzy," one last time.

The storyteller's story may be finished here on earth, but because of his faith and trust in Jesus, I know I will ultimately see him again someday and God willing hear him say, "I love you, Buzzy, welcome home."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mr. Wolf Goes to Piggytown

Here is a column I wrote for my journalism class.

Everyone remembers the story of the three little pigs. What if we looked at the story from the wolf’s point of view? Here is Mr. Wolf who maybe wasn’t trying to eat the pigs, but had a cold and was actually a building inspector.

As a child I actually didn’t like the pigs in the story because I thought they were lazy and deserved to be eaten for being so stupid.

To some Christians, Bill Maher, a journalist who has a show on HBO called “Real Time with Bill Maher,” is like the big bad wolf from the originally little pigs story. To me, he is more like the wolf with a cold version.

Maher made a documentary called “Religulous” that I watched a few weeks ago. From the previews themselves I was shocked at how he approached the subject of religion. Previews can be deceiving.

Maher is honest and tells those he is interviewing he is really looking for the truth and not trying to be controversial. He asks hard questions and points out some of the “Christians” hypocrisies. Some of the people were so appalled and would either ask him to leave or would just sit there with no answer.

I am a Christian and one of the interviews made me sick, but is a fact in some churches. Maher called out a pastor who was wearing an expensive suit and a lot of gold jewelry. The pastor’s excuse was that Jesus was rich and wore fine linen.
The Bible clearly doesn’t say that and Maher pointed that out to the pastor and stated that Jesus actually spoke out against the rich. During the interview it was apparent that Maher new more about the Bible and what it said than the pastor. The pastor tried to quote from scripture and fumbled over his words. He was exposed for the fool he is.

This movie didn’t make me question what I believe or make me angry just because a lot of the interviews portrayed Christianity in a bad light. In fact, the movie caused me to have a higher respect for Maher because I liked that he exposed people for what they were.

It also helped me see how many Christians are building what they believe on whatever they are told or want to believe (hay and sticks) instead of what the Bible says (bricks). I mean it is easier just to go to church and be spoon fed what the Bible says than to actually pick it up a few times a week and read what it says. I myself have fallen many times into that habit.

Regardless if it is a big bad wolf trying to eat you or just a wolf with a cold, the fact remains that if your foundation isn’t solid, you are wasting your time gathering sticks and hay instead of seeking bricks to build on what you believe is truth.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How I Found Out The Toothfairy Was A Hoax

As a young girl, I was always thinking of ways to make money. Once I took some leftover pieces of 2x4's and painted them and nailed random nails in them. Next, I took some poster board and made a sign: Art for sale. I set up the card table in the garage and displayed my artwork beautifully on the table. I sat out in the garage for 2 hours waiting on someone to buy my art. To my dismay, nobody showed :(

So, my next "big money making scheme" was to fool the toothfairy. The dentist would put my teeth in little plastic treasure boxes. I found 3 or 4 of my teeth in my mom's "secret" drawer (yes, I was a snoop, but called it discovering) and thought...hmm I could put these under my pillow, get the money, then the toothfairy would give them back to my mom and she would put them in her "secret" drawer, and I would find them again and so on and so on.

That evening I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face hoping to dream of swimming in money like uncle scrooge mcduck. I imagined having a huge safe of money and swimming in it.

I woke up early the next morning, checked under my pillow only to find the teeth still there. Discouraged I went to my grandma and told her my plan. She laughed and told me the truth about the toothfairy, I remember wondering right then and there if Santa was fake along with the Easter bunny.

Just a side note: I agree that the toothfairy should be blamed for prostitution. She taught kids to sell their body parts for money.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

things to think about...

1. Merry-Go-Rounds are barbaric. I can hear the argument now. "But, Momma, I rode the horsey on the merry go round today and it had a stake in it's back, so I put a skewer through fluffy the hamster's back to make a merry go round for my GI Joe" (does anyone have GI Joe's anymore? I obviously don't have children or I would know the answer to this).

2. I can totally see why parents today are having problems potty training their kids with the new automatic flushing toilets. Kids are small anyway and have a difficult time balancing on the seat, and if they lean to much to one side **kawoooosh** and the child is startled and suddenly thoughts of being sucked down the toilet run through their mind. It is traumatic! I personally don't like them because I am always scared of my pee water splashing up on my behind. I honestly didn't mind using my foot to flush

3. This is just a pet peeve. There is a video store down the road and the new releases are mostly in aphabetical order. MOSTLY! I don't understand how hard it is to place the videos in alphabetical order..for goodness sake 3 year olds know their alphabet. For some reason, 20-30 somethings do not have the ability to know that "Ha" should be put before "He". Maybe the person interviewing should give them a quick test. If they don't know the alphabet give them the number to Sylvan Learning Center for help.

Okay...I am done of my rant for today...thank you...i do feel better

Friday, March 13, 2009

twitter/gran torino/garbos...yes i am all over the place

ok...i gave in...i now have a twitter...reminds me of the update on facebook, but it is slightly different....we shall see how much i get into it....

today i saw gran torino directed by and starring clint eastwood. amazing! what is up with clint eastwood making me cry? the changleing totally made me bawl like a baby needing the friend christopher and i cried so hard we were nearly weeping...good movie, but be ready for a cry fest and to feel like crap the rest of the day....

also, i ate at garbo's today in chesterfield village....i forget sometimes that thin crust really isn't my thing, but my friend bogezey likes it so i thought what the hey...bbq pizza is good, but eating it on crackers just doesn't do anything for me...

alright...sleep is much needed for this young 30 year old...insomnia has been my nemesis lately...i'm starting to think that insomnia not only shot the sheriff, but also the sandman...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

CCP and Me

The best coconut cream pie ever can be found at Village Inn (specifically the one on S. Campbell and Republic Rd.) It is a little bit of heaven on a plate.

My friend Jennifer and I like to go there occasionally and partake of a slice of fluffy yumminess. In fact all we have to text one another is "CCP" and we know what the other means.

My soul purpose, this night was not only the pie, but I was needing some substance. I had awoken from a nap and needed something in my belly.

I looked the menu over trying to first decide between a breakfast item or a supper item. I finally decided to try the smothered chicken (grilled chicken with melted swiss covered in chopped onions and green peppers), a cup of minestrone soup, a baked potato, and for dessert, the infamous ccp :) .

The waitress first brought the soup. I have never tried the minestrone soup, but thought, "What the heck; I'm sick of salads." I was pleasantly suprised. It was really good.

I finished the soup and the main course was delivered promptly. The chicken was delicious along with the potato. I fully enjoyed the onions and green peppers and chicken paired with the baked potato. Occassionally, I like to combine items on my plate to see what flavors go well. A+ on onions and green peppers on a baked potato!

Finally, the grand entrance of ccp! The serve the pie with a cold fork which I love because I really do hate using my same fork from my entree' as for my dessert.

I finished the delicious dish and sat there happily checking facebook from my blackberry. Once again, I have a satisfied stomach :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

so long's been swell.

as 2009 stole the show on december 31st, a sudden anxiety crept into my head as i looked at the calendar....januray 15th tasks: pay car insurance, pick up birthday card for friend, say goodbye to your 20's forever...**sigh** the only thing i can think to compare the dauntation (kristism) of turning 30 goes like this...

a campfire burns lively as i meet different friends during this decade of my life...20 and 21 dance wildly and i watch them disappear into the 22-24 come and go....25 and 26 disappear nearly as soon as i befriend them and start feeling close to them....27 and 28 serve me well as good friends and have a bit of the same excitement as 20 and 21 yet on a more level headed scale...then along comes 29...the last of a dying breed....29 and i bond like no other and as the year swings by we learn so much from one the fire dies and morning breaks i hear a rustle in the bushes....i look and see january 15th has snuck up behind me and is watching patiently as 29 and i have our fun..

one bright and sunny afternoon 29 and i are playing by the edge of a cliff..throwing rocks and sticks over watching them fall endlessly until they disappear...suddenly 29 is pushed over the edge of the cliff...i respond quickly and grab 29's hand holding tightly trying to pull her back i am pulling i hear the awful laugh of january 15th....all afternoon and into the evening i work endlessly at trying to hold on to 29 for dear the darkness overwhelms us i can feel 29 slowly slipping from my grip...i try and try to regain hold of her hand with no daybreak hits i find myself barely hanging on to 29's fingers...january 15th looms over me and says....just let go..i'm here...29 is gone...quicker than i can blink, 29 is falling endlessly like the rocks and twigs we were throwing the day before..i put my hands over my eyes and cry...sobbing to think that 29 was the last of her kind and she is gone forever...

now the fire is but embers to remind me of the fun and carefree friends of this decade...january 15th pats my head and says ....don't cry ...i have a new friend i want you to meet...i look up my face wet with tears and see 30......(to be continued)