Thursday, March 19, 2009

How I Found Out The Toothfairy Was A Hoax

As a young girl, I was always thinking of ways to make money. Once I took some leftover pieces of 2x4's and painted them and nailed random nails in them. Next, I took some poster board and made a sign: Art for sale. I set up the card table in the garage and displayed my artwork beautifully on the table. I sat out in the garage for 2 hours waiting on someone to buy my art. To my dismay, nobody showed :(

So, my next "big money making scheme" was to fool the toothfairy. The dentist would put my teeth in little plastic treasure boxes. I found 3 or 4 of my teeth in my mom's "secret" drawer (yes, I was a snoop, but called it discovering) and thought...hmm I could put these under my pillow, get the money, then the toothfairy would give them back to my mom and she would put them in her "secret" drawer, and I would find them again and so on and so on.

That evening I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face hoping to dream of swimming in money like uncle scrooge mcduck. I imagined having a huge safe of money and swimming in it.

I woke up early the next morning, checked under my pillow only to find the teeth still there. Discouraged I went to my grandma and told her my plan. She laughed and told me the truth about the toothfairy, I remember wondering right then and there if Santa was fake along with the Easter bunny.

Just a side note: I agree that the toothfairy should be blamed for prostitution. She taught kids to sell their body parts for money.

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